5 tips to eliminate acne on the face

It is an issue with the skin that many folks undergo. Blackheads, also known as comedones, can pop up due to stress, hormonal factors, or even the pollution that’s all around us. Quite common on the nose but also on other parts of the face or body, they often show up in folks with oily skin when pores get all clogged up by too much sebum. Here’s the way to simply do away with them without messing up your skin.
While some skin problems might need expert intervention, blackheads usually happen to be one of the problems that can get removed with home remedies. Far away from being linked to a hygiene issue, their appearance actually stems from an excess of sebum and dead cells which stop the pores from closing up. When this happens, the sebum oxidizes on contact with air, thus leading to the dark color that we connect with these blackheads.

How to take out blackheads from the face?

To remove blackheads, nothing beats natural ingredients. Hydrating, nourishing, and exfoliating, these gently cleanse the skin to bring back a fresh and radiant complexion.

  1. A mixture of baking soda and lemon
    To get rid of blackheads without causing harm to your skin, blend some lukewarm water, a spoonful of lemon juice, and the same amount of baking soda. When you get a paste, spread it on the areas to be treated using circular motions. This homemade treatment acts like a natural exfoliant and is particularly suitable for combination to greasy skin. Just wash thoroughly with clean water afterward.

Because lemon is photosensitizing, it’s better to apply this treatment during the nighttime prior to heading to bed.

  1. A scrub made from sugar and coconut oil
    Due to the abrasive characteristics of sugar and the moisturizing qualities of coconut oil, you can come up with a mild and natural scrub to unclog blocked pores and remove blackheads. Since coconut oil might not be suggested for oily or acne-prone skin because of its comedogenic potential, it’s preferable to make use of it on dry or sensitive skin. Alternatively, switch it out with jojoba oil, known for its very low comedogenicity index.
  2. An anti-blackhead patch with honey and milk
    To prepare your own anti-blackhead patch, heat equal amounts of honey and milk for 10 secs. Once cooled down, apply the mixture on your blackheads and cover the skin with a cotton strip. Leave it on for a good 15 minutes for the remedy to work, then gently take off the strip and wash with clean water. Finish off with a dab of moisturizer.

Honey possesses antibacterial properties that help eliminate impurities without harming the skin, particularly because blackheads are a lovely spot for bacteria to hang out. As for milk, it contains lactic acid with comedolytic action. In simpler terms, it clears blocked pores and eliminates blackheads.

  1. An exfoliating treatment with oatmeal
    To address imperfections and optimize skin cleansing, mix a spoonful of oatmeal, natural yogurt, and the juice of half a lemon. Once the preparation gets homogeneous, apply this scrub to the skin using circular motions. Leave it on for 15 minutes before cleaning off with lukewarm water. Besides enhancing the sebum absorption, this treatment also tightens pores and gets rid of impurities to bring back the glow to the face.
  2. A mask with cinnamon and lemon juice
    Antioxidant and antibacterial, cinnamon helps in getting rid of blackheads. Lemon helps regulate sebum production to minimize their occurrence. To make this effective mask, mix a spoonful of cinnamon powder, lemon juice, and a dash of turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties. Spread the paste on the blackheads and let it sit for 10 minutes. Simply rinse your face to regain healthy, radiant skin.

How to remove blackheads on the nose at home?

As you know, dealing with blackheads on the nose is sort of annoying…that’s exactly why we look for effective solutions! To address the problem, apply this homemade anti-blackhead mask: a spoonful of baking soda and a teaspoon of water is all you will need. Just mix well in a bowl until you get a paste-like texture that you will then apply to your nose and the surrounding areas. Let it sit for about 15 minutes before washing thoroughly with lukewarm water.

How to remove blackheads on the nose at home?

As you know, having blackheads on the nose is quite embarrassing… that’s why we struggle to find effective solutions! To address the problem, apply this DIY blackhead mask: one tablespoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of water, that’s all you need. Simply mix well in a bowl until you get a pasty texture which you will then apply on your nose and the surrounding areas. Leave it on for about fifteen good minutes before rinsing thoroughly with warm water.

Attention: avoid rubbing your face!

Extracting deep-rooted blackheads: natural remedies for pimples

To get rid of an ingrained blackhead, there is no shortage of skincare products… But why choose what is chemical when there are gentler alternatives that can be made by oneself at home, notably:

  • Green clay mask
  • Facial sauna to open facial pores
  • Steam bath to facilitate the extraction of blackheads
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Tea tree essential oil
  • Jojoba vegetable essential oil

Extraction and elimination of blackheads is a problem that we must manage all the time! Luckily, there are plenty of natural methods to treat them without harming your skin! So, test our tips as soon as possible… Eliminating impurities leads to regaining healthy and radiant skin!